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Start Here Print Marketing

Most find it surprising that we even mention print marketing and advertising. In this course, we break the mold and show how to create enticing print campaigns with our print marketing course.

Some view print marketing as a dead medium as magazines become smaller and smaller as the years go on. When you receive mailers, you often throw them in the garbage. I rarely receive anything good or well thought out in the mail, which can open doors. See what we did there.

By using print marketing to your advantage, you can dominate with this type of marketing. While others aren’t innovating, you can create something unique to propel your brand. Trying unconventional ways to advertise and market your business can help tenfold when done correctly. Unlike with digital marketing, you will need to sample a much larger audience to get the attention you would through the internet.

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

The Good news is that innovation in print marketing stagnated. Using some interesting marketing techniques can help you get fantastic results.

The Bad news is that print marketing can be more expensive and less effective than digital marketing. You need to worry about printing costs and deliverability without having enough metrics to understand what might be going wrong.

The Ugly part of print marketing is that it can take a lot of time to format everything to print, quality control issues, time delays due to mistakes, etc. While using print can bring success, the cost of acquiring a customer can be higher.

Getting Creative With Print Marketing

Recently, a video went viral where someone created a flyer for their pizzeria disguised as a wallet with money sticking out of it. Using print marketing to our advantage, we created a template where you can copy this viral video to make the flyer yourself.

Click this to download the free template

Blending Digital and Print Media

One great way to mitigate one of the pitfalls of print marketing is to blend your print media with digital media. QR codes are a great way to combine the print experience with the digital world. When used effectively, it can capture information and provide you with metrics.

Now that we know more about print marketing. Let's see how to integrate it into your marketing efforts.

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